Take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath.
After the Solstice the energies have been so "wild" and chaotic. Everything seems to have accelerated and I feel like I am being pushed to "up my game" on all levels.
In one way, this is exciting because it feels as if we are being prepared for a much larger contribution to the Transformation and Establishment of the New Earth.
In another way, it is exhausting as the physical body comes into alignment with these new light codes in anticipation of the Planetary New Year and the Lion's Gate/Eclipse in July/August.
So if you have felt challenged on all levels, and also mentally exhausted in the aftermath of the Solstice, just relax and take a deep breath…and let the new unfold. Don't try to control it, just go with it and let it flow you to a new level of Abundance, Peace and Harmony!
Celia Fenn.